> On 21 Nov 2015, at 8:02 PM, Salz, Rich <rs...@akamai.com> wrote:
> Please see https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme/issues/47 for background, but 
> discuss it here on the mailing list.

The A in ACME stands for automated, and the protocol we are chartered to 
develop is designed to allow getting and maintaining a certificate for a domain 
that I own without being exposed to the intricacies of PKI and without manual 
intervention. If I own the domain “yoavnir.com” [1], I should be able to use a 
piece of software to get and regularly replace a certificate for yoavnir.com 
[2] without ever seeing any DER [3].

As soon as an ACME server returns an error, the automation goes out the window, 
so we should recommend to minimize those cases as much as possible. Returning a 
good human-readable message is somewhat helpful, but mostly for the developer 
of the ACME client to use in debugging. The error message will usually be 
useless for the end-user - the domain owner.

Going through your examples, of course it makes sense to issue a certificate 
with a validity period that is the minimum of the policy validity period and 
the requested validity period. We cannot expect the ACME client to know that 
“Let’s Encrypt” provides certificate for up to 90 days, while some other CA 
provides them for a year. So it makes sense for a client to always request a 
long period (a year? 10 years? 1000 years? Why not?)

OTOH if the client has requested a certificate with a notBefore in two weeks 
and the CA has a policy prohibiting not-yet-valid issuance (I don’t know why it 
would have that kind of policy, but policies are explicitly out of scope by the 
charter) then perhaps this CA cannot provide the features that this ACME client 
is asking for. But is any harm caused by issuing a certificate that is valid 
immediately? Taking this to an extreme, I could ask for a certificate with 
notBefore in June 2016 and notAfter in December 2016, and instead receive a 
certificate that is valid immediately and expires in February 2016. That has no 
overlap with my requested dates, and in all likelihood this certificate is 
useless to me. But is there harm in issuing it? The client can always revoke it 
and never deploy it if it is useless to it.

The same is true for special requested key usages, alternate names and 
extensions. If an ACME client is asking for a certificate with BasicConstraints 
setting CA to true, giving them an end-entity certificate is mostly useless, 
but that is up to the client to decide. 

I’m sure there are cases where an error message is appropriate, but we should 
mostly try to avoid it. We do need strong language that the client should 
verify that the received certificate meets their needs and alert the user if 


[1] I don’t. That’s somebody else. 
[2] It’s really not me. I know very little about diapers.
[3] We should all be so lucky.
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