Hi Jason,

I replied on the GitHub issue as well, along the same lines as Rich: the
protocol should not attempt to specify policy.

To add a little more detail: I'm definitely a big advocate of "real"
account deletion, where all records are actually purged after a certain
amount of time. At past jobs, I've worked hard to make sure that
happens. However, the balance of privacy versus public value is very
different in the case of certificate issuance. The data in a certificate
is not private - it's intended to be trusted by the public. That's why
Let's Encrypt logs all certificates to CT.

Other data, such as authorizations, are part of records proving that a
certificate authority did its due diligence before issuing a
certificate. Not only would it be inappropriate to purge these at user
request, it would not, in general, be practical - many certificate
authorities back up issuance records to long-term offline storage.


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