Hey folks,

At the IETF meeting, EKR pointed out the need to have a "pre-authorization"
function in ACME, where the client can get authorization to issue for
certain names without causing a certificate to be issued.  Having thought
about this a bit on the way home from the meeting, I'd like to get some
feedback on how to go about this.

As a starting point, consider the following options:

Option 1: Add a "preAuth" flag to the application request/struct, such that
if that flag is set, then the server will not issue a certificate once the
application completes.  However, that would still require the client to
send a CSR, which on the one hand is a hassle (unneeded public-key
operations) and on the other hand, risks bad server implementations missing
the flag and issuing anyway.

Option 2: copy/paste the "new-authz" flow back into the spec.  However,
that's a lot of spec machinery to re-import, and it doesn't allow the CA to
express any sort of simplification due to multiple domain names, such as
the "just validate the top-level domain" policy in the other thread that's
going on right now.

Given those trade-offs, I wonder if some sort of intermediate approach
would be better.  The best thing that's come to me so far is to fork the
application process:

- Add an "identifiers" field to the application object
- Each application MUST have exactly one of "csr" and "identifiers"
- If "csr" is present, then do what's in the draft now
- If "identifiers" is present, then do the same dance, but don't issue the

Does that sound sane to folks?  It still seems slightly gross to me,
because of the switching based on the presence of fields.  Anyone have
better ideas?

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