See below inline, thanks.



On 17 Aug 2016, at 04:54, Richard Barnes <<>> 

There are two clearly separable problems here:

1. Associating an ACME account key to an account in some other system
2. Determining when to issue an EV certificate (and with what contents)

Let's address them each separately.  (Note that Andy filed for (1))


For (1), it seems sufficient (as Andy suggests) to add a token to the 
registration object.  If the client has one, it can add it either in the 
new-registration request or as a later update to the registration.  The server 
just reflects this value in its registration object.

I think we can leave the details of what this association means pretty much out 
of scope.  The only requirement that comes to my mind is that the CA should 
reflect any authorization it has granted to the client in application objects, 
even if it's only an OOB link to some document.

It seems worth noting that one could also address this problem in the other 
direction, by letting clients set an ACME account key in the other account 
system.  However, it seems better to create minimal dependencies on upgrades to 
these systems.  And in any case, it would be best to have binding in *both* 
directions, to avoid unknown-key-share-like risks.


A: the API token is for binding this client to a StartSSL account that 
validated its identity since this token is generated by our system before using 
ACME client.
I also care about the token security that this token can't be used by wrong 
account. So server side will check the token with the correct email address to 
identify the correct account.

For (2), I can think of a few approaches:

a. Infer the certificate type from the CSR.  For example, if the Subject in the 
CSR has (C, O, CN), infer that the applicant wants EV.
b. Have a field in the new-application request that the client can use to 
indicate what type of certificate, e.g., {"certType": "ev"} to indicate EV.
c. Have a field in the new-application request that indicates which CA the 
applicant would like to issue the certificate, e.g., {"ca": 

All of these are approaches have drawbacks.  Options (a) and (b) kind of paper 
over the idea that you would have one ACME service fronting for different CAs; 
I would prefer to be explicit about that.  (Option (a) also seems pretty 
brittle, since you might not always have a 1-1 mapping between patterns of 
Subject fields and certificate types.)  With Option (c), though, you would 
probably also want some way for the client to discover what CAs are available.  
Option (c) also presumes that there's a 1-1 mapping between CAs and the 
policies they support, which seems like it should be the case, but might not be 
(you could combine it with (b) to address this).

Personally, I think my preference order would be c > b >> a.  We're likely to 
need to solve the multi-CA problem at some point soon anyway, so we might as 
well do it now.  Roughly, the proposal for (c) here would be as follows:

- In "meta" part of the directory, add a "CAs" entry with an dictionary of CAs 
that are accessible at this ACME server.
- For each CA, the dictionary key is a unique identifier, and the value has 
some metadata, e.g.:
  - An identifier for the policy the CA implements ("dv", "ev", etc.)
  - A link to more information about the CA
- In the new-application request, allow the client to specify which CA it would 
like to issue the certificate (using the unique ID from the directory/meta)



A: I think this is too complex that we can use CSR info to let the CA know the 
cert type.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews 
<<>> wrote:
On 08/16/2016 08:14 AM, Andy Ligg wrote:
>> One possibility would to make it the client's responsibility to request
>> EV by including the desired O, OU, etc. fields in the Subject DN of the
>> CSR. It would then be the server's responsibility to accept or reject
>> the request based on whether the account has a sufficient validation
>> level (and payment).
> A: StartCom issued the certificate not based on CSR info, we don’t care
> about the info in the CSR, we issue the certificate based on this
> account validated level and validated identity information. This mode
> don’t work, CSR is not enough to identify the certificate type.

Keep in mind that you're gong to have to start using *some* of the info
from the requested CSR, because ACME uses the hostnames embedded in a
CSR to determine which hostnames to issue for. ACME also uses the CSR to
convey requested extensions, like Must Staple, though obviously not all
CAs will support all extensions.

Can you say more about why a CSR is not enough to identify the
certificate type?

> A: Yes, our API call is the same way as ACME registration – using client
> certificate for authentication. In my last email, we need to add a API
> Token in the ACME registration, then all are OK for paid CA.
> Sure, if the paid CA is not this way but like to use ACME, then they
> need to change the API system.

Is your proposal that `POST /acme/new-reg` would contain a token
obtained from the StartSSL website? Or that your ACME server would
generate a token and provide it as part of the response to new-reg?

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