On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews <j...@eff.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been putting off this conversation because it is doomed to become a
> bikeshed, but I am proposing to rename Applications to Orders.
So, I have to thoroughly agree that this is a bikeshed.

> The reason: ACME is intended, among other things, to simplify the
> certificate issuance and deployment process. That includes being
> accessible to people who don't have a lot of time to learn about the
> internals of ACME.

Are you thinking of implementers or folks using ACME to get a certificate?

The term "application" is heavily overloaded, and
> users might mistake it for the software used to access ACME. So saying
> "what is the URL for your application," for instance, could mean
> https://certbot.eff.org/ OR
> https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/application/123.
It is overloaded, but the document is pretty good about saying "application
for a certificate" or "application for issuance".  But those phrases are
really intended to be consumed by implementers.  I don't think you have to
reuse that term in your user-facing documentation, and localization will
require taking up that  problem in any case.

> I think "order" both captures the spirit intended by the new flow, and
> matches existing terminology at a lot of CAs. It has some homonyms, as
> in "order of operations," but I think those have low enough likelihood
> of confusion that it's okay.
> Pretty much any useful string in this space is going to be overloaded.
"The orders" might the applications/requisitions, for example, or the set
of steps required to meet a challenge.  You might find a better balance,
but it would always be a balance.

I've not got any major objection to the change, in other words, but I don't
see much of a benefit.  Since I'm hoping we finish soon, re-painting the
bikeshed doesn't strike me as a good use of our energy.

As an individual, not chair,


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