W.r.t. http-acme — as far as I understand; the current 0.4 draft 
(https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-04) has the Well known fetch 
going to port 80:

        Section 7.2, page 47

           3.  Dereference the URI using an HTTP GET request.  

                This request MUST be sent to TCP port 80 on the server.

The new draft: (https://letsencrypt.github.io/acme-spec/ also numbered ‘’04”) 
in section 7.1 ‘Simple HTTP’, does a 180 degree change on this ‘default’: to an 
httpS default with an option to explicitly move it to HTTP with:

          "tls": false / false

With the explanation that:

        If this attribute is present and set to “false”, the server will 
perform its validation check over unencrypted HTTP (on port 80) rather than 
over HTTPS. Otherwise the check will be done over HTTPS, on port 443.

without the clarity of a MUST. And it then continues 3 paragraphs down with 
solving* the bootstrap issue by

        If using HTTPS, the ACME server MUST ignore the certificate provided by 
the HTTPS server.

I am currently puzzling over an implementation that makes it as easy as 
possible to bring up an HTTPS webserver if you do ‘nothing’ but flag the 
VirtualHost config with something like 'letsencrypt on’ - and then defers to 
sane ‘SSLLabs A+’ level SSl defaults.

What I’d like to understand is

-       What is the value of doing the exchange over HTTPS (as this is made the 
default as opposed to the current 80) when one does not check the certificate 
nor retains the ACME Servers its view of that cert in the further exchange (or 
uses the RSA key of the challenge to self sign) ?

-       Would there be any good reason to not allow the specification of a port 
number ?

The reason for the first question is that keeping the process simple is 
desirable from an implementers point of view - as you want it relatively robust 
because some of the backend server config processes need to hark back to 
pre-chroot and pre-fork/pre-setuid() as to get secure persistence of state and 
(private) keys (which you want be a social-internet citizen that does not willy 
nilly overload the lets encrypt infra every startup).

The reason for the latter question is that it 1) allows for non-root > 1024 
settings and 2)  may be more ‘robust’ to allow the server to open a relatively 
random high ephemeral port for a short time during startup that does not give a 
false sense of having the actual virtual host yet up; or a HTTPS only 
virtualhost shortly seeming to be misconfigured and appearing on port 80.



* Well not ‘solving’ it - as the cert seen by the ACME server or the session 
key negotiated are not mixed into the response as to allow the Client to verify 
that there was no MITM during this exchange — as this is sort of deferred to 
later - when you find out that the cert signed is not one you have a private 
key for. Or by for exampling insisting that this certificate that is ‘ignored’ 
is in fact one self-signed by the same RSA key used in the token dance (which 
would be probably easiest for implementors if HTTPS was a strong 

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