On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews <j...@eff.org> wrote:

> On 06/07/2017 05:50 AM, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef wrote:
> > What is the expected behavior of the server if the client sends the
> > certificate issuance request after it sends the pre-authorization
> > request but
> > before it completes the pre-authorization process?
> By "certificate issuance request," I assume you mean the "new-order"
> request?


> The server would create an order object with one or more
> authorizations objects that need to be fulfilled.

My point is that the pre-authorization request (i.e. new-authz) would have
already created
a pending authorization object with the challenges for the client.

I am assuming that when the server responds to the new-order request, it
would provide the same
challenges provided in the new-authz request; correct?
In any case, I think this should be clearly specified in the document.

> Once those
> authorizations became valid, the server would issue the certificate. In
> other words, this is equivalent to the default flow without
> pre-authorization.
> > Also, since the pre-authorization process is expected to deal with
> > multiple
> > servers/endpoints requesting certificates, should this process be
> enhanced
> > to support bulk requests?
> I don't understand this question. Can you clarify? What sort of
> enhancement are you imagining?

What I have in mind for this is that ACME client might be representing more
than one entity
when it is using the pre-authorization procedure, as specified in section

The use case I have in mind is to use this pre-authorization mechanism for
a client to issue certificates
for large number of *endpoints*.

Instead of sending a new-authz request per endpoint, it might be useful to
allow the client to send one
request for a list of endpoints.


> > Nits:
> Filed an issue: https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme/issues/330
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