On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 03:34:50PM -0500, Logan Widick wrote:
> Would it be possible to extract the key and identifiers from the CSR, add
> the key  to the database if it doesn't already exist, find or create the
> authorizations for the identifiers, not store the CSR, and then assemble
> the certificate from the (valid) authorizations and key later?

Most CSRs have fresh keys that are never reused (thanks to forced key-
rotation[1] in most ACME clients).

> Alternatively, could one get rid of the CSRs altogether, and have the
> new-order be a nested JWS? The inner JWS would be signed by the key that
> goes on the certificate and would contain everything required to generate
> the certificate (identifiers, requested dates if applicable, etc.). The
> outer JWS would be signed by the ACME account key and link the inner JWS to
> the ACME account.

Using the private key to sign a JWS is cryptographically very much non-

Also, some systems can emit CSRs for non-exportable key. With those,
you are SoL unless you can send a CSR to the CA.

> What goes in a CSR or certificate that can't be reconstructed later?

For Let's Encrypt, AFAIK the only things in CSR that matter are:

- Requested domains
- Public key
- Signature (to verify proof-of-possession).

[1] Even if the client has mode that does not rotate the keys, that
mode is in most of the clients somehow crippled, so it does not
actually work well.


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