Hey all,

Following on from the meeting today I wanted to start a discussion on what to 
do moving forward with regard to the reverse-dns method defined in 
draft-ietf-acme-ip. There were arguments on both sides about whether the method 
should be retained or removed with I’ll quickly paraphrase (if you feel I’ve 
misrepresented either please correct me).

The argument for removing this was that there are no technical issues with the 
method as-is but that the reverse DNS zones are historically badly managed and 
that using them for validation will cause problems down the line (presumably 
misissuance by a person who controls the zone but doesn’t actually control the 
IPs the zone represents). The argument for keeping it is that the IETF (or more 
specifically the ACME WG) should not be where CA or browser policy is dictated 
and that given these methods are currently allowed under the CABF BRs and 
browser root programs it would actually be useful to have a technically defined 
method for validation that can at least be used as a tool for further research 
on the topic.

As stated at the meeting I’m of the opinion that we should move forward with 
the method in the document and if individual browsers or CABF feel strongly 
that these methods are not secure they should disallow their usage in their 
root programs or the BRs respectively which would prevent any CA from actually 
using the method. That said there was obviously a contingent of people who 
disagree with me on this.

I guess one thing to ask is do we have anyone who would actually _want_ to use 
this? My understanding is the main use case, much like for the dns-01 
challenge, is to get certs for IP identifiers before actually having to stand 
anything up on a machine so that it can instantly start doing its job which 
seems valuable.

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