On 27/03/18 22:54, Daniel McCarney wrote:
> Are you also
> proposing that authorizations should be retrieved only by authenticated

The information contained in an order will be (more or less) part of the
certificate. Therefore, it seems plausible that this information is not
"that" private.

By the way, I did propose that *all* generated GET URLs shouldn't be

> That assumes an account order's list URL is predictable or can be learned
> without POSTing the account details, no?

Yes. And right now, I don't see why this is different from account URLs,
which have "MUST NOT respond to GET requests".

Note, that the example contains the orders URL
"https://example.com/acme/acct/1/orders";. This sound pretty guessable to

> Let's Encrypt's ACME server
> doesn't implement the "orders" field of an account object at all, I don't
> think its a good example to reference for this argument.

"orders" is a required key and LE committed to never implementing it?
Doesn't that sounds like an argument for removing this feature from this


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