On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 01:03:14PM -0700, Roland Shoemaker wrote:
> One thing that I forgot to bring up during the meeting was an issue
> that was brought up with regards to the order in which the ACME-TLS-ALPN
> and ACME-IP drafts are standardized. ACME-IP defines how to use IP
> addresses with existing challenges and we’d like to include guidance
> on how to do so with TLS-ALPN, but (as far as I’m aware) we are unable
> to reference IDs in RFCs so we cannot directly reference
> draft-ietf-acme-tls-alpn

This is incorrect. IDs can normatively reference other IDs, if
there is a "plan" on getting the referenced ID ready to be published.
If needed, the referencing draft waits for the referenced one in
RFC-Editor queue.

So I think the easiest way is to just have normative reference


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