Alexey Melnikov has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-acme-acme-14: No Objection

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to
for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


Thank you for this very important document. I would like to switch to "Yes",
but please first review and respond to my comments:

First mentions of JSON and HTTPS need references.

6.4.1.  Replay-Nonce

   The "Replay-Nonce" header field includes a server-generated value
   that the server can use to detect unauthorized replay in future
   client requests.  The server MUST generate the value provided in
   Replay-Nonce in such a way that they are unique to each message, with
   high probability.  For instance, it is acceptable to generate Replay-
   Nonces randomly.

   The value of the Replay-Nonce field MUST be an octet string encoded
   according to the base64url encoding described in Section 2 of
   [RFC7515].  Clients MUST ignore invalid Replay-Nonce values.  The
   ABNF [RFC5234] for the Replay-Nonce header field follows:

     base64url = [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / "-" / "_"

This is not correct ABNF. Change range syntax in Section 3.4 of RFC 5234

     Replay-Nonce = *base64url

You allow for empty nonce here. Should this be "1*base64url"?

Please add normative references for Retry-After and Link header fields.

In Section 6.6:

  | unsupportedIdentifier   | Identifier is not supported, but may be |
   |                         | in future

Do you mean "identifier type", not identifier?

   This list is not exhaustive.  The server MAY return errors whose
   "type" field is set to a URI other than those defined above.  Servers
   MUST NOT use the ACME URN namespace Section 9.6 for errors other than
   the standard types.

I think this text is misleading, as you create a registry for these.
I suggest you rephrase and add a reference to the registry.

In 7.1.1:

   caaIdentities (optional, array of string):  Each string MUST be a
      lowercase hostname which the ACME server recognizes as referring

Is hostname fully qualified? U-label IDNA domains not allowed here? Please

      to itself for the purposes of CAA record validation as defined in
      [RFC6844].  This allows clients to determine the correct issuer
      domain name to use when configuring CAA records.

Example in 7.1.1 (or maybe even earlier): You probably should say that some
header fields are omitted here.

In 7.1.2:

   contact (optional, array of string):  An array of URLs that the

Which URI schemes are allowed (or at least expected) here?

      server can use to contact the client for issues related to this
      account.  For example, the server may wish to notify the client
      about server-initiated revocation or certificate expiration.

In 7.4:

   Clients SHOULD NOT make any assumptions about the sort order of
   "identifiers" or "authorizations" elements in the returned order

Why is this a SHOULD NOT and not a MUST NOT?

(Similar text in other sections!)

7.4.2.  Downloading the Certificate

   GET /acme/cert/asdf HTTP/1.1
   Accept: application/pkix-cert

I think your example is wrong, as Accept value needs to match
application/pem-certificate-chain returned below:

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   Content-Type: application/pem-certificate-chain
   Link: <>;rel="index"

   [End-entity certificate contents]
   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
   [Issuer certificate contents]
   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
   [Other certificate contents]
   -----END CERTIFICATE-----

In 8.3:

   The server SHOULD follow redirects when dereferencing the URL.

Why only a SHOULD?

9.1.  MIME Type: application/pem-certificate-chain

   The "Media Types" registry should be updated with the following
   additional value:

   MIME media type name: application

   MIME subtype name: pem-certificate-chain

   Required parameters: None

   Optional parameters: None

   Encoding considerations: None

This value has to be one of "7bit", "8bit", "binary" or "framed". I think this
should be "7bit", as PEM is ASCII.

   Security considerations: Carries a cryptographic certificate and its
   associated certificate chain

I suggest you add text saying that this media type doesn't include active

   Interoperability considerations: None

   Published specification: draft-ietf-acme-acme [[ RFC EDITOR: Please
   replace draft-ietf-acme-acme above with the RFC number assigned to
   this ]]

   Applications which use this media type: Any MIME-compliant transport

This text is not actually useful for Media Type reviewers or users.
You should say "ACME client and servers" or something like this. Giving more
examples of use would be a plus.

You are also missing some fields from the registration template. In particular,
who is the Change Controller? (IETF or IESG)

9.6.  URN Sub-namespace for ACME (urn:ietf:params:acme)

   Repository:  URL-TBD

Who needs to fix this value?

9.7.1.  Fields in Account Objects

   o  Field type: The type of value to be provided, e.g., string,
      boolean, array of string

Here and in all similar registries: I think you should insert "JSON" before
"type" to make it clear that types are only restricted to JSON type choices.

9.7.8.  Validation Methods


   o  Identifier Type: The type of identifier that this method applies

I think you should add "or a special keyword RESERVED", as otherwise the table
below might be confusing.

   o  ACME: "Y" if the validation method corresponds to an ACME
      challenge type; "N" otherwise.

I think this could have been clearer, as it is not obvious when "N" can be
used. For example you use "N" for "RESERVED" values.

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