I didn't merge, I just opened the PR so that we could have the discussion.

On Sat, Oct 6, 2018, 17:44 Salz, Rich <rs...@akamai.com> wrote:

> The fact that there were open concerns does not mean that PR455 was wrong.
> Please undo the revert that was part of PR458.
> EVERYONE.  Stop merging.  Discuss on the list.
> *From: *Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx>
> *Date: *Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 5:38 PM
> *To: *"acme@ietf.org" <acme@ietf.org>
> *Subject: *[Acme] Randomizing URLs in examples
> I have opened a PR reverting Jacob's reversion of the #455
> https://github.com/ietf-wg-acme/acme/pull/460
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_ietf-2Dwg-2Dacme_acme_pull_460&d=DwMFaQ&c=96ZbZZcaMF4w0F4jpN6LZg&r=4LM0GbR0h9Fvx86FtsKI-w&m=BVuDxcfZ6gqvMhTwPx5_IBrSGYyRDKXFz44zpUDqYzk&s=-UB6HkBx9D0IC9vVtH33vUa91KYUENpYQ8Ngn63FQfo&e=>
> The randomization of examples is independent of whether you think GETs are
> a good idea or not.  As noted in the Security Considerations, having
> different types of resources in different namespaces, with unpredictable
> URLs, prevents attackers from discovering correlations if, say, a URL leaks.
> Any objections to this change?
> --Richard
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