On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 05:25:40PM +0000, Salz, Rich wrote:
>   *   It does not seem to be related to ACME - that is, what you’re 
> describing is more broadly a set of concerns with the methods that may be 
> used to validate a domain.
> Perhaps ACME isn’t the right place for this, perhaps it should be reviewed by 
> SecDispatch, or whatever the DNS equivalent is, or coordinated between the 
> two area AD’s.

Since there are proposed solutions in here, secdispatch would seem like a
fine place (and the latest agenda I saw for them had some slots free,
still).  There might also be a place for a more open-ended discussion of
problems with DV in SAAG, if someone were to volunteer to prepare some
slides and structure the discussion.


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