> On Nov 27, 2018, at 3:32 PM, Danek Duvall <duv...@brightgate.com> wrote:
> Section 8.4 of the ACME spec says:
>    To validate a DNS challenge, the server performs the following steps:
>      1. Compute the SHA-256 digest of the stored key authorization
>      2. Query for TXT records for the validation domain name
>      3. Verify that the contents of one of the TXT records match the
> digest value
> Regarding point 2, it's not explained exactly what is queried for the
> TXT records. I've not gone looking at Boulder code, but from some
> message board postings, it seems like one of the authoritative DNS
> servers for the domain is queried. It'd be nice if the spec could
> include this information, to make writing automated clients easier.

It doesn’t really need to be explained, IMO, because “query for TXT records” 
implies a query against DNS, which in turn implies a query against a nameserver 
that’s authoritative for the domain.

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