> On Jul 16, 2019, at 9:28 AM, Daniel McCarney <c...@letsencrypt.org> wrote:
> So it would be reasonable for this order to contain a single authz … and 
> would that authz’s identifier be just “example.com”, then? Thus that authz 
> object would not reference “www”, even though it is that domain’s 
> corresponding authz object? Or would a client be accountable for implementing 
> a “best-match authz” lookup to determine which authz corresponds to a given 
> domain?
> Yes, I would expect the order's one authorization to have the identifier 
> "example.com".
> I believe the confusion here is when you say "even though it is that domain's 
> corresponding authz object" and "Since the order requires successful authz 
> for both domains".
> For the first part, as I understand there is no guaranteed correspondence 
> between any of the identifiers in the order request and the identifiers in 
> the returned authorizations. That's what the sentence you quoted on p26 is 
> meant to convey. The client shouldn't attempt to match authz's to requested 
> identifiers at all, it should just look at the identifiers in the 
> authorizations returned by the server and prove control of those identifiers 
> with the challenges available.

Thank your for your response. I think I see what’s going on.

To flesh out a hypothetical a bit more:

order identifiers: example.com, www.example.com

    - identifier: { type: person, value: Fred }
    - challenge: ask if it’s ok
    - identifier: { type: person, value: Jane }
    - challenge: ask if it’s ok
    - identifier: { type: person, value: Pat }
    - challenge: ask if it’s ok

So if we tell the human operator, “Jane & Pat gave the OK, but Fred said not”, 
then it’s left to server policy to determine whether that means a hypothetical 
order with just one or the other domain would pass all authzs?

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