i have all the sites 301 redirect .well-known/acme-challenge/ to 

thus sites distributed across many physical servers and ones like 
https://blah.com that normally 301 to https://www.blah.com all validate

At 11:55 16/07/2019  Tuesday, Stefan Eissing wrote:
>A user of my Apache ACME client asked about a feature where the security 
>implications are not clear to me:
>- he has several server instances that may receive the CA's http-01 challenge 
>request. He therefore would like all servers to answer to all challenges like 
>the solution proposed by acme.sh: 
>server {
>  location ~ ^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ {
>    default_type text/plain;
>    return 200 "$1.6fXAG9VyG0IahirPEU2ZerUtItW2DHzDzD9wZaEKpqd";
>  }
>which sends the thumbnail back to anyone asking. Is this an example to follow? 
>It feels very open...
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