Agree on both points.


From: Ryan Sleevi <>
Date: Thursday, 10 October 2019 at 18:16
To: Yaron Sheffer <>
Cc: Thomas Fossati <>, Ryan Sleevi 
<>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [Acme] Fwd: New Version Notification for 




On Thu, Oct 10, 2019 at 5:22 AM Yaron Sheffer <> wrote:

I am wondering though about this sentence: A CA can "also offer additional 
validation methods/issuance flows which also use the "dns-01" method." Doesn't 
specifying "dns-01" restrict the CA to one particular validation/authorization 




There's a gap in the assumption here, which is that the CA MUST support 
draft-ietf-acme-caa, which is not specified, and were it specified, runs into 
the set of issues covered in 


However, setting that aside, the dns-01 validation method alone doesn't 
restrict the issuance pattern to just being STAR, which is the assertion "To 
restrict certificate delegation only to the protocol defined here:"

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