Document: draft-friel-acme-subdomains-02
Reviewer: Russ Housley
Date: 2020-08-04

Major Concern:

The TODO markers regarding wildcard domain names, the 200 response
code, and the security considerations should be filled in with
strawman text before this I-D is adopted by the ACME WG.

Minor Concerns:

General: s/certificate authority/certification authority/ (many)

Abstract: s/certificate authority policy/certificate policy/

Introduction: s/X.509 (PKIX)/X.509v3 (PKIX) [RFC5280]/

Terminology: Correct CA, please.  See above.

Terminology: Please add a definition of subdomain.


Section 3: says:

   3.  client sends POST-as-GET requests to retrieve the
       "authorizations", with the downloaded "authorization" object(s)
       containing the "identifier" that the client must prove control of

s/client must prove control of/client must prove that they control/

There is something wrong with the table formatting in Section 6.2.

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