I haven't followed the "ACME for subdomains" conversation closely, but the
base semantics of ACME are designed such that they can express "all of"
semantics AND "one of" semantics. For a given Order, a client has to fulfil
*all* the Authorizations; for a given Authorization, a client has to
fulfil *one
of* the Challenges.

To take advantage of this, you would need to define a new challenge type
that expresses validating a parent domain. For instance "dns-parent-01." It
would contain the name of the parent domain as a field.

If a server has the policy that validating control of either
foo.bar.example.com or example.com is sufficient to issue for
foo.bar.example.com, it would respond to newOrder requests for
foo.bar.example.com by creating an Order with one Authorization (for
foo.bar.example.com), and that Order would have two Challenges: "dns-01"
and "dns-parent-01" (with a parent domain of "example.com"). The client
could then choose which challenge to attempt.
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