These changes resolve my concerns.


> On Apr 9, 2021, at 5:40 PM, Brian Sipos <> wrote:
> Russ,
> Thank you for the review comments. My responses are inline with prefix 
> "[BS1]".
>> I think that this document is almost ready.  I have a few comments.
>> Section 4 points to Section 4.4.2 of [I-D.ietf-dtn-tcpclv4]; but that 
>> profile does not require the certificate to
> include an EKU of id-kp-bundleSecurity.  When this document is used to verify 
> control over the DTN Node ID, I think the
> issued certificate MUST include an EKU of id-kp-bundleSecurity.  If other 
> means are used to validate other identities,
> then other EKU values might be included as well.
> [BS1] This seems reasonable to require. I suppose the "email-reply-00" 
> document [1] just leaves out any discussion of
> EKU because the preexisting S/MIME documents define a more concrete 
> certificate profile and there is a lot of momentum
> behind S/MIME implementation. I'm going to add statements about the EKU in 
> the CSR and the issued certificate.
>> Section 4.2 is talking about S/MIME certificates.  I think there is a 
>> cut-and-paste error here.
> [BS1] Yes, these statements should replace "S/MIME" with "bundle security".
>> Section 3.1 says:  "The only over-the-wire data required by ACME for a 
>> Challenge Bundle is a nonce token ...".  This
> is the first time that "nonce" appears in the document.  Please reword.
> [BS1] I removed this statement and replaced it with a statement about the 
> token-part2 scope:
> The <token-part2> value included in this object is fixed for the entire 
> challenge, and may correspond with multiple
> separate <token-part1> values when multiple Challenge Bundles are sent for a 
> single validation.
>> Section 3.3 and 3.4: in the beginning of the section, please add a pointer 
>> to the document that defines these
> parameters.  I think it is draft-ietf-dtn-bpbis.
> [BS1] That is the correct reference. I am adding a statement at the top of 
> each section.
>> Section 6.1: please provide a reference for "BPSEC key material", and please 
>> spell out "BCB".
> [BS1] I removed this speculative text and replaced it with:
> It is possible for intermediate BP nodes to encapsulate-and-encrypt Challenge 
> and/or Response Bundles while they
> traverse untrusted networks, but that is a DTN configuration matter outside 
> of the scope of this document.
>> NITS:
>> Section 1: please spell out BP on first use.
>> Section 2: s/wildcard ("*") character/wildcard character ("*")/
>> Section 6.2:  please spell out "BIB".
> [BS1] I am correcting all of these typos.
> [1]
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