A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Automated Certificate Management Environment 
WG of the IETF.

        Title           : ACME for Subdomains
        Authors         : Owen Friel
                          Richard Barnes
                          Tim Hollebeek
                          Michael Richardson
        Filename        : draft-ietf-acme-subdomains-01.txt
        Pages           : 19
        Date            : 2021-12-17

   This document outlines how ACME can be used by a client to obtain a
   certificate for a subdomain identifier from a certification
   authority.  The client has fulfilled a challenge against a parent
   domain but does not need to fulfill a challenge against the explicit
   subdomain as certification authority policy allows issuance of the
   subdomain certificate without explicit subdomain ownership proof.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There is also an htmlized version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at rsync.ietf.org::internet-drafts

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