Thank you Roman for the review and comments.

I created individual github issues for these and all other reviews of 
acme-subdomains at

I have committed fixes and closed all bar one of the issues raised below. I 
will comment on that one inline below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Acme <> On Behalf Of Roman Danyliw
Sent: Saturday 29 October 2022 22:58
Subject: [Acme] AD review of draft-ietf-acme-subdomains-04


I performed an AD review of draft-ietf-acme-subdomains-04.  Thanks for this 
work to extend ACME capability.  I have a few comments below, but they aren't 
significant enough to hold the document.  Please address them concurrently with 

** Section 2.  Editorial. This section takes direct quotes out of RFC8499 but 
does not put quotation marks around them.  However, when text is taken from 
RFC1034 it has quotes.  Recommend consistency.

[ofriel] Similar to my feedback on acme-integrations: The quotes or lack of 
quotes is itself taken directly from the definitions in RFC8499. If you look at 
RFC8499, the definition of Label is not in quotes; however, the definition of 
Subdomain starts with a quote as it is pulling in text from RFC1034 into 
RFC8499. The text in acme-integrations aligns to the character with what is in 
RFC8499. Does this make sense?

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