
The preliminary agenda has acme scheduled to meet on Wednesday from
1300-1400 (Prague time).  The agenda will be final on Friday (13 Oct).  If
you would like to present during that time slot, please contact the chairs
( ).

Also the Internet Draft submission cut-off is 23 Oct 2023 midnight (UTC),
so if you want your draft updated prior to the workshop, now is the time.
Obviously new work falls into this timeline as well.

A couple of notes:
1.  draft-ietf-acme-dtnnodeid-11 - the chairs will coordinate w/ the AD.
mea culpa.
2.  draft-vanbrouwershaven-acme-auto-discovery-01 - we would like to see
this draft updated before the call for adoption.

Deb (and Yoav)
acme chairs
Acme mailing list

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