Hi, Q

Thanks very much for the comments. I see a lot of challenges ahead 😂.

To simplify the discussion, we can focus on the domain name certificate first.

Like today we have more than one hundred CAs around the world, we can also 
imagine that multiple smart contracts are deployed for domain name certificate 
issuing. If one chain becomes too expensive, we can always select other chains 
to deploy.

Regarding the latency of revocation, if a domain name owner really requires a 
short revocation time, it can choose to  use those centralized CA as today. The 
decentralized ACME can coexist with centralized CAs. It just provide a 
different choices for users to use. The same as today that we can either use 
the currency notes, or we can also use crypto coins for payment.

For other issues such as workload, I am not sure yet as the technology has not 
been deployed yet. However, I believe the discussion here might further inspire 
the academic to explore the potential of ACME.

Have nice day.


From: Q Misell <q=40as207960....@dmarc.ietf.org>
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2023 6:48:04 PM
To: Wang Haiguang
Cc: Aaron Gable; acme@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Acme] Decentralized the ACME

> There are many different blockchains today and some of them quite cheap in 
> transaction fees. These blockchain with cheap transaction fees support smart 
> contract too. Beside that, we can also consider consortium blockchains, which 
> can have fewer nodes and the cost and transaction speed could be much faster 
> and cheaper.

Blockchains are a speculative asset. As soon as one chain is used for more 
stuff it becomes more valuable, thus defeating the point of picking another 
chain. You can't simply hand wave away the mechanics of market capitalism.

> Regarding the revocation, I think we can either issue a certificates with 
> short lives or we can implement a revocation scheme within the smart contract 
> through voting. Voting may involve some complexity, some design might be 
> necessary.

To have any meaningful effect comparable to revocation certificates would have 
to be renewed on the order of days or hours (see ACME STAR RFC8739). This would 
put an impossibly high load on any blockchain. Revocation through voting also 
doesn't work. There are many cases where a certificate simply has to be 
revoked, regardless of what the people holding voting rights think. If we limit 
voting rights to a few authorities, well done you've just re-invented 

> For the Oracle part, as its main functionality is to do the off-chain 
> verification. The work is much simpler than maintaining a CA. To be frankly 
> saying, I am not very sure about this point, maybe I have overlooked the 
> complexity on this.

To be blunt: it is not simpler. As Aaron said the RA is one of the core parts 
of a CA, and what often takes the most time and resources in the CA.

> Regarding the issue of browser verifying certificate over blockchain record, 
> it is similar to the OCSP or CT we used today. And also, for the same 
> website, the browser does not need to verify it for every https request. The 
> browser might need to visit the blockchain for certificate verification for 
> the first time it receives such certificate.

Good luck, with that. There is no way on earth that every TLS client will be 
updated to use this new trust method. Additionally it requires a connection to 
the internet to download the chain and verify a certificate, something 
undesirable in many instances such as segregated corporate networks.

> I think only one request should be forwarded to the Oracle. It can be done by 
> submitting the request to the smart contract deployed by the oracle. And 
> oracle will fetch the request from its smart contract and fetch the results 
> from the web server, and later on submit verification request to the 
> certificate issuing contract.

That's just not how smart contracts work. They're executed at every node that 
is competing for the next block. If instead you mean to suggest that there will 
be one execution of the oracle on one machine, then you don't have a smart 
contract, you just have a really really inefficient delegated RA.

> To simplify the problem, I think we can consider the http-01 challenge first.

This actually makes things more complicated. Not only would you have to define 
all of the protocol first, you'd then have to figure out how it interoperates 
with the rules built into http-01, which are designed around how ACME operates 
and not how your new proposal protocol operates.


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On Thu, 9 Nov 2023 at 09:12, Wang Haiguang 

Hi, Aron

Continue the discussion,

For the question, "- When an issuance request is processed, all 7.5k Ethereum 
nodes will execute the smart contract. The paper is unclear on whether the 
Oracle will forward all of those requests to the origin domain, or will make 
only a single request and then cache the result. If the former, that's a nice 
DDoS attack. If the latter, that's significantly more complex behavior for the 
attesting entities to audit."

I think only one request should be forwarded to the Oracle. It can be done by 
submitting the request to the smart contract deployed by the oracle. And oracle 
will fetch the request from its smart contract and fetch the results from the 
web server, and later on submit verification request to the certificate issuing 

To simplify the problem, I think we can consider the http-01 challenge first.

Best regards.


From: Wang Haiguang
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2023 7:23:52 AM
To: Aaron Gable
Cc: acme@ietf.org<mailto:acme@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [Acme] Decentralized the ACME

Hi, Aron

Thanks very much for your comments.

We have also considered the cost of issuing certificates. As we all know, one 
Ether coin is today around 1900 USDs. Definitely we do not want to deploy such 
a decentralized ACME contract on Ethereum blockchain.

There are many different blockchains today and some of them quite cheap in 
transaction fees. These blockchain with cheap transaction fees support smart 
contract too. Beside that, we can also consider consortium blockchains, which 
can have fewer nodes and the cost and transaction speed could be much faster 
and cheaper.

Regarding the revocation, I think we can either issue a certificates with short 
lives or we can implement a revocation scheme within the smart contract through 
voting. Voting may involve some complexity, some design might be necessary.

For the Oracle part, as its main functionality is to do the off-chain 
verification. The work is much simpler than maintaining a CA. To be frankly 
saying, I am not very sure about this point, maybe I have overlooked the 
complexity on this.

Regarding the issue of browser verifying certificate over blockchain record, it 
is similar to the OCSP or CT we used today. And also, for the same website, the 
browser does not need to verify it for every https request. The browser might 
need to visit the blockchain for certificate verification for the first time it 
receives such certificate.

My intention here is to let the experts in this group to notice that there is 
some different thinkings on the design and implementation of ACME. Although it 
is from academic, it does make the CA operation and management more transparent 
and trustworthy. We may consider its merit and shortcomings together.

Best regards.


From: Aaron Gable 
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2023 1:39:05 AM
To: Wang Haiguang
Cc: acme@ietf.org<mailto:acme@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [Acme] Decentralized the ACME

Hi Wang,

Thanks for your interest in ACME, and for sharing this paper with us.

Unfortunately, I think the ideas presented in the paper are undesirable for 
most website operators, concerning from an implementation perspective, and 
significantly exceed the scope of this working group.

First and most obviously, the transactions to issue a certificate with a single 
short DNS Name cost about $5 USD in gas. These costs go up both with the length 
of the DNS name and the number of DNS Names in the certificate; a median 
certificate with "myrestaurantname.com<http://myrestaurantname.com>" and 
"www.myrestaurantname.com<http://www.myrestaurantname.com>" appears to cost 
$15. Worse, it costs money (about $1) to revoke a certificate: this is 
unacceptable, as revocation is critical for the security model of the Web PKI.

Second, the proposal raises many implementation concerns for me. In no 
particular order:
- Only the original issuer (wallet) can revoke a certificate. There's no 
mechanism for a security researcher who discovers a compromised private key to 
revoke all certificates with that key.
- The description of the Oracle, which mediates between the smart contract 
running on the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the open internet, seems identical 
to that of a "Delegated Registration Authority" in the CA/BF Baseline 
Requirements: i.e. it is the entity which actually performs domain control 
validation procedures on behalf of the Certification Authority. Those BRs place 
significant requirements on the operation of an RA, and for good reason: it's 
the most critical part of CA operations, second only to protecting their 
private keys. The paper gives no description of how the Oracle's behavior will 
be monitored, only that "a group of non-cooperating entities can all attest to 
- The number of entities attesting to the Oracle's good behavior also increases 
the gas cost of issuance, so there are bad incentives here -- less trustworthy 
certificates cost less to issue.
- When an issuance request is processed, all 7.5k Ethereum nodes will execute 
the smart contract. The paper is unclear on whether the Oracle will forward all 
of those requests to the origin domain, or will make only a single request and 
then cache the result. If the former, that's a nice DDoS attack. If the latter, 
that's significantly more complex behavior for the attesting entities to audit.
- What happens when I issue a certificate right before the Ethereum blockchain 
hard-forks again in a desperate attempt to recover from another gaping security 

Third, the paper proposes not just a new issuance mechanism, but a new 
validation mechanism: the browser gets the public key from the blockchain and 
trusts the server certificate directly, rather than having a list of trusted 
roots and performing chain-building for validation. This is outside the scope 
of this working group, and my personal opinion is that this sinks the entire 
proposal as mainstream browsers will never implement this.

Fourth and perhaps most damning, the paper seems to completely misunderstand 
the ACME protocol. It states repeatedly that it "imitates" the ACME protocol, 
but as far as I can tell that imitation exists solely in the fact that a) it is 
automated, and b) it uses a method similar to (but not identical to!) ACME's 
HTTP-01 for domain control validation. The domain owner does not use any of the 
ACME protocol's defined request or response methods to communicate with the 
smart contract; the oracle does not actually use HTTP-01 to perform DCV; and 
there is no mention made of other aspects of ACME such as DNS-01, wildcard 
validation, CAA account and method binding, ACME STAR, or others. This paper 
resembles ACME in name only.

Finally, the authors state that the problem they're trying to solve is that 
people have to trust CAs. But instead they transfer all of this trust simply to 
the Oracle, and hand-wave the trust problem there. One of their proposed 
solutions even involves a number of corporations using their own 
inherently-trusted keys to sign attestations on behalf of the Oracle. That sure 
sounds like trusting authorities to me! So I do not believe this paper even 
comes close to solving the problem it sets out to solve, and is not worth 
pursuing further.


On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 5:41 AM Wang Haiguang 

Hello, everyone

My name is Haiguang Wang from Huawei.

I am interested in the networking and security protocols research.  I have 
attended IETF meeting since year 2017 and have followed the work in ACME group 
for sometime.

Last year we have come across a research paper "A Blockchain-based Method for 
Decentralizing the ACME Protocol to Enhance Trust in PKI". Following is the 
information of the paper:

E. F. Kfoury, D. Khoury, A. AlSabeh, J. Gomez, J. Crichigno and E. Bou-Harb, "A 
Blockchain-based Method for Decentralizing the ACME Protocol to Enhance Trust 
in PKI," 2020 43rd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal 
Processing (TSP), Milan, Italy, 2020, pp. 461-465, doi: 

We have studied the scheme for sometime but not sure whether it is a good 
direction for ACME or not.  The scheme implements the ACME in smart contract 
and make the whole procedure of certificate more transparent, not only in CT 
log, but also in the certificate issuing and management.

We would like to hear comments from the experts in this group.

Best regards.

Haiguang Wang

Huawei International  Pte. Ltd.

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