On Thursday, March 15, 2012 23:25:48 you wrote:
> > i appreciate your concerns. i don't agree, however, with your conclusions
> > :)
> I agree with you about this point. From the blog post that Shantanu
> pasted above, it seems to me you dislike certain things about
> opendesktop.org. 

if i want to bake bread, i'll use an oven. not a hammer or a blender. an oven.

i like hammers. and blenders. but when baking bread, they aren't useful.

when making synchrotron, opendesktop.org simply could not do what was needed. 
and other than the non-free implementation, none of the actual issues are 
fixable. it is a hammer when i needed an oven. so no, it has nothing to do with 
liking or disliking, but realizing the appropriateness of a tool.

the same is true for OCS and our add-ons app. 

OCS needs a _lot_ of work before we could use it, and even then it would be at 
best a partial fit. we don't have the time to wait for that to happen nor the 
resources (time or otherwise) to involve ourselves in such a larger project 
where we need to discuss features and inclusion with a larger group that does 
not share our needs. we need something that does precisely what we need it to, 
not a compromise solution, which is an understandable limitation when 
something is used by many different parties.

if OCS2 becomes something amazingly great, we'll consider adopting it. as it 
stands, OCS contains mostly features we do not need, misses features we do and 
the features that are of interest are not usefully implemented for us. you 
yourself note this with things such as the json API; i'm happy for OCS that 
you are looking at improving these things, but that doesn't make the json API 
(or other requirements) a reality right now. 

that's simply how it is and we do not have the resources to fix OCS. please 
keep in mind that OCS is relevant to the most minor aspects of our project, 
and so having to invest resources in improving it when the item listing 
protocol is a tiny part of the overall design just doesn't make sense here.

compare that with the benefits we'd gain from using OCS, which is essentially 
zero for us, and the math is very simple.

you may disagree with our decision and that's fine. i don't want to polute this 
list with more of this discussion, so this will be my last email in this 
thread. if there is something substantial to discuss, you can find me elsewhere 

Aaron J. Seigo

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