On Monday 23 April 2012 18:15:03 you wrote:
> Thomas Hi,
> the testing project was updated today, maybe you like to test again the
> plasma active two update scenario? Imho this testing state is an hot
> update candidate for Trunk:Testing in case we all agree.
> Your suggestion about the PA update test scenario might work well, so
> feel free to make following steps on an clean installation of following
> image:
> http://share.basyskom.com/contour//Deployment/MeeGo_x86_USB_Live_and_Install
> _Archive/basyskom-plasma-active-two-meego-usb-live.iso 
> - start 'konsole' app
> - get user root (passwd meego)
> - zypper ar
> http://repo.pub.meego.com/Project:/KDE:/Trunk:/Testing/MeeGo_1.2_OSS/
> PA-Testing - zypper refresh
> - zypper up
> - reboot
> If all went fine, the ux should came up again after this steps.
> Thanks for your testing and feedback.
> Cheers
> Maurice

Hi Maurice (and all on the active list),
I wanted to follow the instructions exactly, but I made a mistake which, 
however, resulted in what I think is an actually more realistic test.
My mistake was that I made a typo in the Testing repo URL and didn't notice 
the error message when doing zypper ref.
Therefore I accidentally updated from the stable repository first, which 
produced the task switcher thumbnail bug already reported. Then I re-added the 
Testing repo correctly and updated again (so this is what a user who updates 
today from Stable and then updates again after the next merge would 
This is what I get:
- The task switcher thumbnail bug is gone. So that worked! :)
- The top bar still has a black background (quite ugly)
- Creating private Activities does not work. When I switch to private, the 
button label changes to "Enter password and save changes", but when I press 
the button, I do not get the password dialog and the Activity is *not* locked. 
Other changes are saved, though.
- Searching in the Add Items dialog does weird things (looks like the things 
described in https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=296941). Search in Files and 
Images apps works fine, though.
- The lock button is still present in the top bar (though it's not needed 
anymore with the new lock screen). When pressed, it brings up the old logout 
QML instead of the lock screen. Don't know if that is on purpose.

Please tell me which of these I should file bugs for.

Other than that, I could not find any bugs. I noticed, however, that pulling 
the top bar up or down seems quite a bit less smooth than with PA2.
Looks like some things still need to be fixed. However, I'd suggest pushing at 
least the fix for the thumbnail bug to the stable repo as soon as possible, 
because it's a nasty one.

Hope this feedback helps.
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