On 30.04.2012 15:48, Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
    the result is way more convenient to use, but i have to admit doesn't seem 
    look that good (in the screenshot the extra spacing is a bit exagerated but
    sill), opinions?

Well it looks good to me.

+1. I actually kinda like the look with the spacing.

    it also makes even more important that just few icons are present, but is 
    that big of a problem imo, since if there are more than 3 or 4 something is
    very wrong

Yes exactly, the rest of space is getting wasted anyway, its not like desktop
where you have the task manager. So huge +1 from me, looks much cleaner.

+1. However, there may be more than four icons present at some points.
- KMix
- Battery
- Wifi
- Device Notifier
- Notification icon

The Device Notifier and Notification icon will only be present temporarily, but if the rightmost icon would overlap with the clock in these situations, it would still be ugly. So I'd say it should look perfect with 3 to 4 icons, but still acceptable with five (or maybe even six).

Would it be possible to adjust the spacing with the screen resolution? E.g. on an ExoPC there is much more space available - and should be used - than on a Vivaldi.

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