On 02.05.2012 10:13, Fania Bremmer wrote:

Nice that we are moving forward with that dialog...

+1 for the label inside the text field

That was the plan. However, the problem with that is that it breaks the balance and looks bad this way (see http://wstaw.org/m/2012/04/30/plasma-desktopvQ4217.png). Therefore, Marco put the label back. If you have a good idea how we can remove the external label without braking the balance, Marco would surely be happy to try it out. :)

+1 for testing the lock/unlock slider with only icons (needs some testing with
users I guess, if they understand the message)

I just did my usual "n=1 user test" and the participant (a usability expert colleague who has never seen Plasma Active before) immediately interpreted it correctly ("This means that it is secured, that I need a password to get in"). So even though she thought "secured" instead of "private", she associated the correct function with it. And maybe "secured" actually fits better than "private", because "private" may imply "hidden". However, the Activity is not hidden. Everyone can see that it's there. But it is "secured" because it's protected by a password.

Actually I guess with more free space between the different elements we would
gain a better grouping of relevant elements. So more space between title bar and
name text field, more space between text field and wallpaper.

Remember that the original intention behind modifying the dialog was to save vertical space on smaller tablets. The only option I see here is to have a fluid layout which adapts to the resolution (applying the vertical grouping only on larger resolutions). @Marco: Since the "Active Project"'s intention is to be deployable on anything from a smartphone to a big screen in the end, doing fluid layouts should be easy with the framework, right? ;)

Have you thought about the error message dialog (same activity name)? Where
would it pop up/be displayed? Did we decide for a common pattern for error
messages in PA?

The idea that came up on our last discussion thread for this was a "Message Bubble" that is connected to the name field. However, this was not implemented yet. Currently the message appears to the right of the lock/unlock switch (not a good position, actually) I think the bubbles are a good (and rather widespread) pattern for messages which relate to specific input fields, so I think we should try that out.

With the private switcher, only a lock and unlock icon might not be enough
intuitive. we should test that on users actually. It might be better to use a
"public" icon like the one used in dribble
(http://dribbble.com/shots/415967-Privacy-Settings) as the opposite of the
locked status. what do you think?

See above, the n=1 test was successful (asking a few more people would be good, though).

In one sketch I actually tried to go a bit in direction of a wizard, so chunking
up the 3 different steps visually, with 3 different headlines. That would make
it here:
1 - Give your activity a name
2 - Make it private
3 - Select a wallpaper (here maybe also with the "browse" Button for selecting
own photos as wallpaper, a feature we discussed months ago)
But as it was decided to remove all unnecessary headlines, labels etc, that
might lead into another (unwanted) direction :)

The wizard discussion is still open, we haven't decided on that yet. But I don't think we have enough space for additional headlines (surely not on a 7" tablet, and probably not even on a 10" tablet unless we want to reduce the number of rows of wallpapers). Being able to select your own photos would be great, yes.

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