Em Wednesday 09 May 2012, Thomas Pfeiffer escreveu:
> On 09.05.2012 00:20, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> > On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 19:40:21 Nicola De Filippo wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> FYI among other things i admin/develop "notorious" (in italy) open
> >> source educational project or italian primary school, today i have
> >> uploaded first simple video
> >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z1lOy5ygriw
> > 
> > cool :) with a bit more work this could really be kick ass.
> Agreed. Using PA tablets in schools would definitely make sense (also with
> the whole KDE Edu suite), so any addition in that regard is awesome!
> > one thing i notice is that the keyboard interaction isn't great.
> > hopefully we will get that improved shortly ...
> +1. A numeric-only keyboard popping up for numeric fields would be great
> here (and for other numeric fields as well, of course ;) ). So Aaron, any
> news from the Maliit front?

        I tested maliit last month and it still needs work to properly work in 
PA. The small popup showing the character being typed does not disappear if it 
is draw outsice the virtual keyboard window (that's is known problem from the 
blog post about maliit in PA). I also noticed other problems not mentioned in 
the blog: the virtual keyboard window is a bit outsice of the window (about 
10px from the bottom is outside the screen), the keyboard does not 
automatically disappear most of the time (clicking on other windows sometimes 
makes it disappear), I have not found a way to make it show a dialpad-like 
keyboard, only the qwerty one.

Lamarque V. Souza
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