Hi Marco,

On Thursday 17 May 2012 17:47:15 Marco Martin wrote:
> packaging is fixed, unfortunately at the moment it still have to be launched
> from the shell with active-documentviewer pdfpath

Just tried it out. Although it might be a bit early for feedback at this 
stage, here's my first impression anyways:
- The search function with highlighting within the grid is awesome! Although 
being able to step through results may still be necessary at some point, this 
is great for an overview of which page might most likely be the one you were 
looking for. Great feature! :) 
(There is a bug when navigating to page from the search results, though, I'll 
file it on BKO).
- Rendering the pages for the first time seems to take longer than in desktop 
Okular. I already thought Okular Active was pretty slow overall, but then I 
realized that it is actually quite smooth after the pages are fully rendered. 
However I'm sure this will still get optimized anyway :)
- Unless the document is wider than the screen, it should not pan 
horizontally, as this is very irritating while scrolling (you usually don't 
move your finger _exactly_ vertically while scrolling)
- The swiping distance required to trigger a page flip should be reduced (I 
noticed this recently in Images as well). Finding a good value there is very 
difficult. I found that e.g. in tabletReader the distance was too short, which 
frequently caused accidental page flips. However currently in Okular Active and 
Images, you have to swipe really long to flip a page / change switch to another 
picture, which feels a bit cumbersome

Generally a very good start. I think that especially with your and Bogdan's 
efforts combined, we will have a really good PDF viewer in the end. Now if only 
we could get Xrandr working...

On a general note: I like how the right drawer works in both the Resource 
Browser and Okular Active. I will write an HIG about it soon and suggest it to 
be used anywhere it makes sense. It allows for very nice interaction flows as 
well as consistency across applications.


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