Hello Sebastian,

Am Samstag, 23. Juni 2012, 23:21:32 schrieb Sebastian Kügler:
> > > The File contains:
> > > 
> > > [Desktop Entry]
> > > Type=Application
> > > Categories=Settings;System;Qt;X-SuSE-YaST;X-SuSE-YaST-Misc;
> > > 
> > > X-KDE-ModuleType=Library
> > > X-KDE-HasReadOnlyMode=true
> > > X-KDE-Library=yast2
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-Call=live-installer
> > > 
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-Group=Misc
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-Argument=
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-RootOnly=true
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-AutoInst=
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-Geometry=
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-SortKey=
> > > X-SuSE-YaST-AutoInstResource=live-installer
> > > 
> > > Icon=yast-live-install
> > > Exec=xdg-su -c "/sbin/yast2 live-installer"
> > > 
> > > Name=Live Installer
> > > GenericName=Install current configuration to your system
> > > StartupNotify=true
> > 
> > Any ideas there?
> The blacklist must not contain the name of the desktop file, other than that
> ... I don't know. Can you check that once again? Does the Live Installer
> turn up in Kickoff?
I've tried it out. If i'm typing "yast" in the KDE4/Desktop-Kickoff all 
modules are visible. If i'm typing the same in Plasma Active i can see all 
icons too. But i can't make them visible in peek and launch.
Sincerly yours
Sascha Manns
Community Agent open-slx GmbH
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