On Tuesday 28 August 2012, Ivan Čukić wrote:
> Hi,
> The first thing I'm planning to add to the activities library* now
> that we are starting to get applications that report events to kamd,
> is the data model (QAbstractListModel) that will retrieve the
> documents directly or indirectly related to activities and
> applications.

advantages over using just a nepomuk query?
is it the use case of encrypted activities where only a file list would be 

> As you probably know, kamd records access events for triples
> (activity, application, resource).
> From my POV, the model should have the following filtering abilities:
>  - resources for specific activity
>  - resources documents for specific application
>  - resources for specific pair (activity, application) **
> Sorting could be:
>  - by the calculated score (default)
>  - recent documents
>  - only linked documents (SLC, fileitem plugin, nao:isRelated)
>  - something more?
> Do we need the following in this model? (I don't really think we do)
>  - activities for a document
>  - activities for an application
>  - applications for an activity ***

i don't see many needs from my part, i may see uses for the last one

Marco Martin
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