On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colo...@autistici.org> wrote:
> On Friday 05 October 2012 08:38:40 Carl Symons wrote:
>> > * new apps -> reader, file browser, ?
> +1 Yes, both of them, and as Marco said definitely Add Ons (users expect that
> nowadays and the free books are awesome!)
>> Performance and stability
> +1. Even when run live from a thumb drive, it feels a lot smoother than PA2
> did when installed on disk, the improvement is really noticeable.
> I'd also vote for the Mer base as a bonus. The most visible outcomes for me
> from this are
> - Network Manager (works a whole lot better with KDE than connman)
> - Higher resolution

Mer appears to be the most viable Moblin/Maemo/Meego family member;
Tizen is on life support. Mer is the core of Sailfish in the Jolla
phone (newsworthy at the moment). Our partnership with Mer
demonstrates a commitment to lean, high performance components.
"Plasma Active runs on Mer, the high performance Linux core". Or
"Plasma Active and Mer share a commitment to high performance".

>> Freedom and power to the people B^)
>> It's important to have the announcements and website reflect the
>> release accurately (insert Thomas Pfeiffer's comments here). When I
>> talk about Plasma Active to outsiders, it's a strong message that
>> we're not competing with the big boys, but rather creating a high
>> quality alternative to the oligopoly products. Features that are
>> driven by user requirements. In short, Plasma Active is thoughtful.
>> So things like changing "Store" to "Add Ons" in the Launcher is a
>> minor, minor detail to us, but could make a difference with the
>> intended audience.
>> I don't have any examples to add to what Thomas has already written.
>> Those are in a few different places so maybe they need to be
>> consolidated if no one has implemented his earlier suggestions (e.g.
>> Calligra is not a viable office suite).
> I'm glad you're with me on this :)
> Currently the discrepancies between the marketing text (i.e. the web page and
> announcement text) and reality which I noticed are:
> - The website mentions some Microblogging application which I have not found
> anywhere on the Mer RC image. What application is meant there?
> - Calligra Active is marketed like a full-fledged office suite, while in fact 
> it
> is a (very good) office document viewer
> Thomas

I will rework this based on your comments and others.

Where is the microblogging app? Is there such a thing?

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