On Wednesday 17 October 2012 20:48:37 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 12:01:07 Wolfgang Romey wrote:
> > I have downloaded from FMA (Free Music Archive) a zip-file. It is shown in
> > the files-browser as archive, but i could not find a way to unzip it
> > there.
> > So i installed unzip via zypper. When i touched the zip-file, i could
> > associate the zip-file with unzip. Now i can unzip a file with poiting to
> > it in the files- browser. If there is an easier way, please let me know.
> something good for the FAQ, yes... however, we also should have some sort of
> (simple) extraction helper so that files don't end up randomly spewed
> everywhere. would be a neat little QML app project :)

Yes, absolutely. That one is on my wishlist (which grew pretty long as I used 
my PA tab extensively during the conference the last four days) as well. 
Currently I'd recommend installing Ark as well as unzip, so that ayou get at 
least some sort of graphical installer and there is no need to manually 
associate zip files with unzip. Ark works sort of okay, but a QML extraction 
helper would be a lot better.
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