On 20.11.2012 10:34, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
Hi ...

The sprint for Files went quite well in my opinion. We got a number of things
accomplished and enumerated several other issues that need attention. There
are significant things left to do on it, however, so we'll probably need to
schedule another sprint later to revisit files.

Another sprint makes sense, yes.
However I feel like I have to be a pain in the ass here:
For me, sprints should be self-contained and always leave the part they considered in a releasable state (not in a perfect state, but releasable). This is currently not the case with Files, since there are two major bugs left:
Both were introduced after the PA3 release and they leave PA in an un-releasable state (Books and Images are completely broken and being able to copy to and from external storage is an important function which worked fine in PA3). I'm strongly for only calling a finished if all regressions introduced by it are fixed. Maybe they are trivial to fix, maybe they are just leftovers of intermittent changes that would go away on a newly-built image, but it looks like nobody has looked at them yet (and the latest Devel image is from November 4th).

However, I'd also like to move on so that all of our UI gets love and
attention for this release. After the massive topic of Files, I'd like us to
take on something smaller and less complex: alarms.


Screenshots and more are linked from that page as well ...


* 2 days for issue discovery and documentation
* 1 week for development

Focussing the next sprint on Alarms makes sense and the schedule looks okay to me, but please don't start it before properly finishing the Files sprint.

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