
Here is the summary of Plasma Media Center meeting which we had today :-

   - Stable, always release-able master
   - Features to be worked in separate branches, to be merged after review
   - While in freeze, bugs to be reported on bugs.kde.org
   - Feature Freeze on 12 December 2012
   - Plasma Media Center 1.0 Release on 12 February 2013
   - No hardcoded colors, take from Plasma::Theme
   - Air theme doesn't work there, use Oxygen
   - old black-ish wallpaper
   - test end to end keyboard navigation
   - Just a little dot pointer (actionbutton.svgz?) instead of the whole
   highlight frame
   - no about page
   - No "Plasma Media Center" label
   - A single spinner, not one per file (or static image to resemble
   - no zoom of thumbnails on mouse over
   - no one pixel gray border
   - elide the text on the places sidebar
   - Way to add plasmoids (after 1.0)
   - Hidden config option to hide Filesystem browsing backends (for 1.0)
   - Create reusable components for media browsers (after 1.0)


Wiki page -
IRC log - http://paste.kde.org/622580/

Sinny Kumari
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