Hi Michael,
sorry for not replying earlier, this was a busy weekend...
First of all: Great that you're doing this, this is the true FOSS spirit!
Now for detailed feedback (I'll just paste quotes from various mails in the 
read into this mail for convenience):

On Saturday 12 January 2013 17:07:48 Michael Bohlender wrote:
> I had to use ksnapshot today and it wasn't a pleasure to use on a
> touchscreen so I decided to improve that.
> Here is my UI mockup; http://postimage.org/image/dq2xwnl2t/ .
> Feedback would be welcome. The wiki seems to be down so i couldn't check if
> it's HIG compliant.

The only thing not compliant with the HIG would be the number spinner, but as 
Aaron and Marco point out, there is no standard component for it yet, and we 
absolutely need one.
Thanks, Aaron, for looking into this!
So as soon as the component is available, please use it.

(from Aaron):
> +1 .. though "Save to Device" seems a little verbose; "Save" should be
> enough?

Yes, just "Save", please.

> perhaps we could even extend the new confirmation dialog component to allow
> user text input so when you hit 'Save' it would popup, pointing at the Save
> button, and have a lineedit in it for you to enter a name for it.

I have a different idea: Since we'd need a filename for sending/sharing as 
well, why not putting the lineedit directly on the main UI (above the Save 
button)? Thereby users can give it a name and _then_ decide whether they want 
to just save it, or send it, or share it on the social web, put it on Flickr 
or whatever, all directly via SLC directly from KSnapshot. 
It would ideally already have an automatically generated default name in it, 
so that people who don't care about the file name (since PA browsers i,ages by 
thumbnail instead of name anyway) could just use the default.

And yes, we don't want a browsing dialog for saving, because in PA we hide the 
file system.

> also, Send To should probably be replaced with Share Like Connect (SLC)
> support ... but that means i need to finally add support to SLC to notify
> the
> application to save the content when an SLC request is completed by the
> user.

Yes, please! This is pretty much a no-brainer to me. KSnapshot is an 
application which produces an image. Users should actually _expect_ to be able 
to use all our fancy SLC stuff with it directly from the application.

(from Marco):
> the blue area is usually used as a background behind everything, so the
> shadow should be flipped

I guess what Marco means is what you did in 
aka blue background behind the main area.

Another idea: I'd love to see "Take Screenshot" built into SLC "like" by 
default, available in every application. If I like what I see on the screen, I 
can preserve it as a screenshot.

Again, I'm really glad you're doing this, keep up the great work!
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