On Thursday, January 17, 2013 11:33:11 PM Shantanu Tushar Jha wrote:
> I just tried installing a devel image from this link
> http://share.basyskom.com/plasma-active/deployment/wetab-exopc/tablet/mer/de
> vel/weekly/basyskom-plasma-active-wetab-exopc-tablet-mer-devel-130113-2013.i
> so and installed pmc using 'zypper install plasma-mediacenter' and it works
> fine for me on an ExoPC.

Shantanu, I installed the same devel image. Then I enabled the integration 
repository.  After 'zypper refresh', 'zypper up', and a reboot, I installed 
pcm using 'zypper install plasma-mediacenter', as you did.

It's a fresh install, I think.  AFAIK, the devel ISO removed any existing 
configuration files I had after using the PA3 release.

> I thought a lot about whats wrong in your case and frankly I can't think of
> any difference between your and my config other than yours being a WeTab
> and mine is an ExoPC. But even that I suspect is almost the same thing.
> So, I am CC'ing the PA list, anybody has any idea what might be wrong?

I can try installing the debug version.  I can send you the console output, 
too.  It's different from what I reported last year with the PA3 release.

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