On Wednesday 30 January 2013, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 January 2013 21:43:13 Marco Martin wrote:
> > On Wednesday 30 January 2013, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > > Attached you'll see my idea for a new task-centric Launch area, in
> > > which everything is a task, and the categories are verbs (see "select
> > > task.png").
> > > Each list would be flickable vertically (I know, this conflicts with
> > 
> > hm, no i think any form of vertical flick shouldn't be allowed in the
> > panel. otherwise you have an area that doesn't always behave the same,
> > (in general vertical scrolling into something that already scrolls
> > vertically pretty much means frustration, just look how annoying is when
> > happens in a website) the panel covering everything (and being the only
> > piece of ui that modofies everything) must remail very, very easy to
> > hide (even worse now that dragging works very very badly when done over
> > the window strip due to a bad x11 limitation, that is probably not
> > fixable before wayland)
> So what did you have in mind when you suggested using the column browser
> component during the last IRC meeting? That would have required vertical

i had in mind a completely separed application. yes is a step more but at 
least is not worsening the startup time of tens of seconds and rising of 
several megabites the already unacceptable idle  memory footprint...

> scrolling as well, wouldn't it?
> I agree that this would be far from ideal, though. Another approach could
> be to wrap categories with too many items into multiple columns. That way
> we could avoid vertical scrolling, but would introduce more horizontal
> scrolling, of course. Maybe that would be the lesser of two evils,
> though...

2-3 horizontal scrolling strips would be already better i think...

Marco Martin
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