
I'm trying to test the latest builds using VirtualBox following the 
instructions on the Wiki page but the installation seems to be broken - to be 
more precise, I can boot from ISO images and the builds work reasonably 
well**, but if I choose the "Install" option, I can no longer boot the virtual 
machine after the installation finishes... 
I tried the following images:
basyskom-plasma-active-wetab-exopc-tablet-mer-devel-130201-2059.iso (weekly 
devel mer-next)
basyskom-plasma-active-wetab-exopc-tablet-mer-devel-130201-2019.iso (weekly 
The results are the same.

Initially thinking that my setup is causing this, I tested the image 
basyskom-plasma-active-wetab-exopc-tablet-mer-testing-130201-2040.iso (weekly 
testing) and the installation works fine so this seems to be an issue in the 
latest devel images.
Has anyone else also stumbled upon this?
If I overlooked anything in the instructions I volunteer to update the wiki 
page with details so that others won't loose too much time on this... the 
instructions for installing in a virtual environment need a refresh anyway 
(e.g. activation of the mouse pointer). 

Best regards,

**except for the virtual keyboard which does not disappear and completely 
blocks the interface ... not sure if the following keyboard issue is connected 
in any way (I do not have an NV GPU):
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