On Monday 18 February 2013, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> > There should already be a root account, with the password "mer" (just
> > use "su").
> Thanks. Was told on G+ :-)
> >> 4. there is no 'back' button when in Files or any other such
> >> application.
> > 
> > In files there is only one case where a back button is needed, and
> > that's when you navigate the hierarchical structure on an external
> > memory device. A back button should appear once you've entered a
> > folder on an external device, though. If it isn't there, that's a bug.
> > Other than that, you simply don't need a back button because you don't
> > actually navigate somewhere, you just apply different filters.
> > In which situation(s) did you miss a back button?
> Files (Dolphin?)
> 1. When I play a media from app and want to go back to list of media or
> the place where the list of media was I can go back as there is a back
> button on top. A similar back button is desired for apps such as file
> manager.
> May be I am used to back button on my Android for exampl when I am in an
> app for STIB and searching for a bus route, I can always hit the back
> button to get out of that route and go back to the list of buses.

most file types open in a new window, so a back button doesn't have much 
meaning. works for images because it's open in the same window as the file 

> 6. Virual keyboard doesn't work in Marbel.
> 7. Bluetooth is not working. Do I need to install some packages?
> 7. the X button remains when I removed any app from task manager.

uh, this last problem tells me that possibly the image is very old, it was a 
known problem and was fixed some weeks ago.
not sure if is nexus not having an image based of the latest devel or just 
being an image created a long time ago.

Marco Martin
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