
During the Calligra sprint last week, we were discussing over Calligra
Active's future. One good thing that came along is that we started work on
creating reusable Calligra QML components that can be used in isolation to
render documents, and perform basic viewing operations. This will help in
creating Calligra touch UIs for Sailfish etc. Work on this has started and
we already have the component for Text Documents :)

Another question that came up (follow-up of [1]) was whether Calligra
Active should remain as a single application to handle every document type,
or do we want to have a Active version for each corresponding Desktop app.
The main reason this was an idea is because going by PA's workflow, when we
would like to create documents we just need to fire the text document
editing program and it would do its job. A technical motivation behind
doing that is the difference in the way text docs, spreadsheets,
presentations are handled in code. For example, text docs are limited in
size, scroll vertically; spreadsheets are virtually unlimited and scroll in
both directions; while slideshows don't really "scroll", we switch slides.
Due to this handling of special cases, the code is also kind of complex and
breaking it into independent bits might help. There are other factors like
the way we handle mimetypes etc.

These were the points what we discussed about whether or not to split, but
in the end, its very important to know if this makes sense from PA's
perspective, especially usability.

CA should stay as it is right now? Or have separate apps? Thoughts?


[1] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.calligra/8288

Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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