On Wednesday 27 March 2013 21:33:05 Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> hi ..
> unleses there are significant objections, we will branch master and tag a
> first release of PA4 this coming Monday. images and updates are rolling
> from the new build system, so that seems handled and we should move
> forward.
> we will be going through release blocker bugs tomorrow in #active at 13:00
> UTC. all are welcome to join.
> cheers ...

First of all: Thanks for the productive meeting, I'm glad we arranged it!

So now how do we proceed? Currently we still have two (plus one related) 
relatively nasty bugs for which no solution has been found yet:

(which probably causes https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314902 )
and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316158

Notmart said he tries to fix them until tomorrow. If he succeeds, that would 
give me time to retest them over the weekend. If they are indeed fixed, I think 
we can tag on Monday. If not and we don't find a workaround, I'd suggest 
delaying the tagging, since all three bugs have the potential to seriously 
ruin the user experience with Files, a pretty central component of PA, and 
cause confusion and incorrectly tagged files.

What do you think?

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