On Wednesday 03 April 2013, Vishesh Handa wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:57 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer 
> > On Wednesday 03 April 2013 18:10:55 Marco Martin wrote:
> > > > I don't object to the branches merged, but I do object to the tagging
> > > > unless these two bugs are fixed:
> > > > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=317460
> This seems like a packaging problem

any particular requirements that we should pay attention?
atm nepomuk-core is 4.10.1, virtuoso is 6.1.6 and soprano is from 2.9 branch, 
20th march
anything else important we should pay attention?

> > > > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=316158
> This seems like an inotify problem, cause if the file indexer is picking
> them up on restart indexing is working perfectly.
> Possible solutions -
> 1. Check intofiy limit and see if it is too low by monitoring the debug
> output of `nepomukservicestub nepomukfilewatch`
> 2. Try creating a new file in an indexed directory and see if the filewatch
> service mentions it

is there somewhere i can hook into that tells me the exact moment it notices a 
file being added?

> > 
> > Ah yes, true. So the only thing is that the meta data filters in Files
> > could
> > not be tested yet. Have you been able to test them locally with correctly
> > indexed music or video files?
> Weirdly enough, you should be able to filter by types (Image, Audio, Video)
> even if taglib is not present cause the first stage indexing is responsible
> for picking up the mimetype.

yes, this works fine, mimetypes are saved correctly as resource types 
nfo:Autio, nfo:Document etc

Marco Martin
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