On Thursday, April 11, 2013 13:55:27 Michael Bohlender wrote:
> I did some minor things for PA with PlasmaComponets already and feel
> relatively comfortable using it. The reason I suggested this approach is,
> that it allows me to got through a lot of design ideas with my Co Mentor.
> Otherwise testing if the UI works on Tablet will be hard and I have no Idea
> how to compile stuff for my ARM based Nexus 7. Waiting for our merproject
> build servers to compile stuff would also be quiet time consuming. I
> consider the UX design/rework the main part of my project and like to
> experiment a lot during the mockup phase.

That's not a problem. OBS can do cross-builds also on your local machine. If 
you want to shorten the cycles, you can even script most of this process, 

- reroll tarball into your OBS checkout
- rebuild using osc build
- scp the resulting package over to your device
- use ssh to install the package in your device

This will cut down the develop-testing cycles quite a bit, and you should be 
able to do that with just one script on your host.

If you're doing most of the work in QML, you can even go further and just 
rsync your changed qml files into the install dir of the device, though you 
need to be a bit careful with that, obviously.


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