Dear Plasma Active developers,

first of all i want to thank all of you for the great work.

Before i order one of those new cheap but very powerful china tablets and try 
to install "real" Linux over it --they still come with Android version 4.1 and 
probably will never be updated-- i have decided to test some mobile distros on 
my notebook.

So yesterday i have downloaded the image:
moved all my personal data from my good old 16 GB USB-Stick to back-up, made 
the stick bootable with
and booted my Samsung Notebook to just to see what happens.

Although the old stick can transfer max 15 MB/sek, it booted really fast. After 
a couple of seconds boot process hung up with a message that indicate it is 
going to graphical mode.
I could log in on the other text console but nothing to do :-(

Some Google search showed that WeTab has built-in Intel graphics but my Samsung 
has a Radeon. That could be the reason. I've asked my girlfriend if i could 
boot her Lenovo IdeaPad U160 Netbook. It has also a built-in Intel graphics.

The Lenovo booted smooth and fast but i could not unlock the screen because 
there was no mouse cursor and no key-combination available :-(
Again Google.

root@device# rpm -e plasma-mobile-mouse

root@device# init 3 && init 5
Demo video functioned out of the box with sound and mixer.
Wi-Fi was not detected so i plugged a network cable in RJ-45 and updated zypper 
repos/database. I was negatively suprised that a system update downloaded 180 
MB packages which take 450 MB installed. ISO was just couple of days old! But 
positively suprised that KDE is updated to version 4.10.2, released only two 
weeks ago :-)

The look was much better after update.
There were two demo songs but a double click in file manager was not 
successful. After installing plasma-mediacenter* ok. Nice tune.

Tried to test office capabilities. Installing calligra-active gave me an icon 
to click but i could not open a document. May be i need more time to read 
manual/search or install some other packages.

During i googled for that, Plasma Active sent the Lenovo to suspend modus. A 
simple push to power button and the Lock-Screen was there again. Great.

That was my "test-report". Sorry for writing so long. Hope you will be happy to 
get feedback.

Now some questions:

what are the differences between:
May be some kind of Debian-Like stability rating? But the timestamps were 
confusing. No "stable" monthly?


how can i build my own ISO with Radeon driver, my Wi-Fi driver, updated 
packages, Media Player and Calligra?
I have already installed and run the
but using SUSE build service to compile a Tizen compatible Mer core to use 
Plasma Active with a MeeGo account(!) is somehow beyond my multitasking 
capabilities ;-)
Is there a simpler way? Like Gentoo: edit 2-3 text files for arch/compiler 
settings, wanted packages, recommended/not-wanted packages, ... call the script 
and go drinking coffee ...

what about version 4? Aaron blogged "end of March", official wiki announces 26. 
March, ... i could not find a pre-version today. Dropped?

can one of you approve my MeeGo account request or forward this? I have 
requested it with this yahoo openId and got feedback "after your mail account 
is verified ..." but no verification mail since four days and complete silence 
in IRC #mer channel.

Best regards
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