On Thursday, April 18, 2013 16:28:45 Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > Redoing the UI entirely in QML would mean:
> > - heavily compromise on features, at least for the first iteration during
> > GSoC - reuse the existing models from Kontact Touch for the message and
> > folder lists
> > - refactor the remaining required bits of widget based code for model/view
> > separation. IIRC this will mainly affect the composer, which is still an
> > embedded widget.
> > 
> > The first two seem implicitly already present in the proposal, the last
> > one
> > might be a bit underestimated.
> Redoing the entire Kmail Touch UI in QML would definitely be too big a 
> scope for a GSoC project. What I want to have in the end is something 
> which shows the path ahead and can be built upon.

On that note, I think it would be best to do the GSoC as small mergable steps, 
that can go in one for one. As most of the code is already done in QML, a ton 
of small patches that go into master one for one would probably be nicer than 
to create one big branch that has to be merged at some scary point in time.

This is of course mostly up to Kevin, I guess, as he'll likely be reviewing 
most of the code, I just wanted to chime in in case it hasn't been thought of.


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