Hello everyone

The discussion about the initial mockups has shown that we need to agree on
the usecases for Kontact Touch Mail first before we continue. I created a
wikipage for that:

Feel free to  post any usecase you want to see enabled and we will discuss
and classify them. This is not limited to what can be done in a single GSoC
project. We need to be aware of everything we want to support as the
general interaction design will likely constrain future features.

My goal is to enable a set of core workflows that are likely to appear on a
mobile/tablet device while keeping the PIM suite concept and "business
users" in mind.  This means that I will not copy over every function of the
our desktop KMail but it also does not meant that the possible usecases are
constrained to this core set. Other workflows should be possible but they
might not be as elegant or prominent in the UI.

Thanks for your participation.

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