Hi Robin,

On 05/23/2013 07:40 AM, robin wrote:
hi ruediger,

I would very much like to try them out. I am new to plasma active, so please
excuse if these are stupid questions:
when do I use fb and when pvr / what are the abbreviations?

This describes which graphics driver is used.
"fb" is a pure open source driver while "pvr" uses a closed source driver.
The difference is that pvr has 3d acceleration and that video playback works at least a little bit with this one.

is your branch pa4 or is it pa3 as the path mentions pa3?

It uses the current testing branch so it is based on the upcoming pa4. Please correct me if I am mistaken.

in case it is a pa4 preview, will it be easy to upgrade to the final pa4,
eg via zypper ref && zypper dup?

Yes, upgrading should be easily possible this way.

best regards and many thanks for keeping the G9 in active development

You're welcome. It's nice to see Archos G9 is still being used with pa. :)

Just in case, this guide also applies to the new images:




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